The Board of Directors for Red Earth, Inc has elected a new slate of officers for FY 2008 who will oversee the operations of the Red Earth Museum at Omniplex and the additional programs of the organization, including the 22nd Annual Red Earth Native American Cultural Festival scheduled June 6-8, 2008 in downtown Oklahoma City.
Dee Jerome, Manager of Compensation and Benefits at Devon Energy, has been re-elected president of the Red Earth Board of Directors. Prior to his employ with Devon Energy, Jerome held several positions with Fleming Companies, Inc. most recently that of vice president of human resources. Jerome is a member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma.
Douglas R. Cummings, Chairman of Cummings Oil, Inc has been elected chairman of the Red Earth Board of Directors. He has been President of Cummings Oil Company since 1972, and has been an officer or director of numerous civic and business organizations and not-for-profit associations including the Oklahoma Health Center Foundation and the University of Oklahoma Sarkeys Energy Center. He is a member of the Cherokee Nation.
Jonna Kauger Kirschner, General Counsel for the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, will serve as president-elect. Kirschner graduated with top honors from Dartmouth College and Boston College, and practiced law in London, England where she worked with Boodle & King – a consortium of law firms comprised of Boodle Hatfield, English solicitors, and Lane & Mittendorf, New York attorneys – and Bracewell & Patterson LLP. She serves on the board at St. Luke’s Children’s Center, and is a member of the Junior League of Oklahoma City.
Teri Stanek has been re-elected secretary of the organization. She is retired from Stanek Protective Coatings, and has volunteered, served or held officer positions with the Casady Mother’s Club, Green’s Country Club, Green’s Angels of Mercy Health Center, Boy Scouts of America, Oklahoma City Indian Art Club and the Safari International Motorhome Club.
Ken Vanderslice has been re-elected treasurer of the Board of Directors. His career as a city manager spanned more than 35 years, primarily in Georgia, with lesser periods in Oklahoma, Missouri and Arkansas. He was most recently city manager of Duncan, OK.
Elected to serve terms on the Red Earth Board of Directors are Christy Alcox, Oklahoma Heritage Association; Janet Dyke, AT&T; Dr. John Jameson, Jameson Management, Inc; and G. Calvin Sharpe, Pierce Couch Hendrickson Baysinger & Green, L.L.P. Elected to the Red Earth Advisory Board are Dr. Cathy Jameson, Jameson Management, Inc.; and Cheryl Moore, Hogan & Slovacek.
For nearly 30 years, the 501(c) 3 non-profit Red Earth, Inc has been dedicated to its mission to promote the rich traditions of American Indian arts and cultures through education, a premier festival, a museum and fine art markets.
The organization is recognized as the region’s premier organization for advancing the understanding and continuation of Native American traditional and contemporary culture and arts. The Red Earth Museum hosts a diverse and changing schedule of traveling exhibitions and is custodian of a permanent collection of more than 1,400 items of fine art, pottery, basketry, textiles and beadwork – including the Deupree Cradleboard Collection, one of the finest individual collections of its kind in North America.
Red Earth, Inc. Announces New Officers to Lead Board of Directors