Recent News

Jereldine Redcorn Receives "Red Earth Honored O...
Jereldine Redcorn is passionate about preserving the heritage and art of Caddo potters. Until recently she was one of the few living Caddo potters practicing...
Jereldine Redcorn Receives "Red Earth Honored O...
Jereldine Redcorn is passionate about preserving the heritage and art of Caddo potters. Until recently she was one of the few living Caddo potters practicing...

Red Earth is the Recipient of the 2008 Communit...
Red Earth, Inc. is the recipient of the 2008 Community Spirit Award for outstanding achievement in business excellence and leadership from the American Indian Chamber of Commerce Oklahoma City Chapter.
Red Earth is the Recipient of the 2008 Communit...
Red Earth, Inc. is the recipient of the 2008 Community Spirit Award for outstanding achievement in business excellence and leadership from the American Indian Chamber of Commerce Oklahoma City Chapter.

Price Named Chairman of Red Earth Advisory Board
State arts leader Betty Price, former executive director of the Oklahoma Arts Council, has been appointed to the newly created position of Chairman of the Red Earth Advisory Board. Members...
Price Named Chairman of Red Earth Advisory Board
State arts leader Betty Price, former executive director of the Oklahoma Arts Council, has been appointed to the newly created position of Chairman of the Red Earth Advisory Board. Members...

Red Earth Website Named Best in State by Oklaho...
Red Earth, Inc. has been named winner in the Best Website category of the 2008 Annual Awards presented by the Oklahoma Museums Association. The awards recognize...
Red Earth Website Named Best in State by Oklaho...
Red Earth, Inc. has been named winner in the Best Website category of the 2008 Annual Awards presented by the Oklahoma Museums Association. The awards recognize...

Oklahoma City's 22nd Red Earth Festival Celebra...
When the 22nd Annual Red Earth Native American Cultural opens at the Cox Convention Center Friday June 6, 2008 in downtown Oklahoma City, OK, nearly 2,000 American Indian artists and...
Oklahoma City's 22nd Red Earth Festival Celebra...
When the 22nd Annual Red Earth Native American Cultural opens at the Cox Convention Center Friday June 6, 2008 in downtown Oklahoma City, OK, nearly 2,000 American Indian artists and...

Red Earth, Inc. Announces New Officers to Lead ...
The Board of Directors for Red Earth, Inc has elected a new slate of officers for FY 2008 who will oversee the operations of the Red Earth Museum at Omniplex...
Red Earth, Inc. Announces New Officers to Lead ...
The Board of Directors for Red Earth, Inc has elected a new slate of officers for FY 2008 who will oversee the operations of the Red Earth Museum at Omniplex...